Dual Qualification in Early Childhood Education (CHC30121 + CHC50121)

Combine CHC30121 and CHC50121 for a Dual Qualification in Early Childhood Education
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Course Description
The childcare industry is facing a national shortage of qualified workers! In response to this shortage, ACTAC is proud to offer its industry-leading Dual Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care to help much-needed workers enter the industry.
Career Outcomes
- Lead Educator
- Family day care coordinator
- Educational Leader in a service
- Lead Kindergarten Educator
- Lead Pre-school Educator
- Nominated Supervisor at service
- Service Assistant Manager/Director
- Service Manager/Director
- Area Coordinator for a group of services
- Long Day Care Educator
- Kindergarten Assistant
- Family Day Care Educator
- Pre-school Educator