
Open the world to children through books

Books and the stories they contain have the power to connect communities and help children learn and grow values and empathy. There are hundreds of wonderful books for children written and published each year. Sometimes as educators and as parents, it can become overwhelming to figure out what books to buy or which books will…


Celebrations: Easter

Celebrations. To do, or not to do? Is it even that simple? Early childhood educators are often faced with ongoing internal discussions, rules, policies or expectations about how national celebrations such as Christmas and Easter are marked. In an early childhood context, celebrations such as Easter are often a reflection of our society, history, culture…


Easter Maths Activities for the Classroom

  Even if Easter craft isn’t your thing, you can still be the ultimate teacher by bringing educational Easter festivities to your classroom with these quick and easy Easter maths activities. They require very little preparation and use easy-to-find resources that you may already have. What’s even more fabulous than the simplicity of these ideas…
