
Teachers: What Does Your Horoscope Say About Your Holidays?

It’s holiday time, teachers! And, with holidays comes a whole lot of well-deserved spare time. But, what will you fill that precious time with? Will each and every day be organised to the brim with social events, or are you going to hibernate and spend the holidays binging Netflix shows? In this blog, we have a little bit of fun and use each horoscope to make some assumptions about what YOU may be doing during the school holidays.

Let’s see how accurate this is…

A Teacher’s Horoscope for the School Holidays

Aries (21 March – April 19)

Whilst you are in need of a break, you get bored and distracted very easily during school holidays. These holidays you may be inclined to scroll Pinterest for your next DIY project or brainstorm classroom furniture hacks. However, your impulsiveness may mean you end up diving headfirst into a huge DIY project that ends up taking your entire holiday break. Then after a long day on the tools – you’ll smash out a run!

This blog may interest you – Teachers Share their Best Bunnings Buys.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Ok, you guys have got it all under control! As the end of a busy term approaches, your spirit is in desperate need of a relaxing serene environment full of the finer things in life. You spend the holidays discovering new essential oils, shopping for the fanciest slippers and picking up a bottle of French champagne. All of these items are a necessity when it comes to the many bath sessions you’ll be having! You also spend a lot of your holidays getting out of your pajamas just to get into your brand new pajamas… for the day!

After some good Netflix shows? See our blog – The Best Netflix Series to Binge (Holiday Edition).

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Your curious and inquisitive nature means that you end up spending your school holidays learning something new or finding a new hobby. If not that, you’ll spend hours playing Words with Friends, or a similar game involving words! But, because you don’t love anything repetitive, you may throw in some good books to read, too! An active mind is a happy mind in your eyes.

Check out our list of 33 Summer Holiday Reads Loved by Teachers.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’re a homebody. You don’t feel the need to leave your house to make use of the school holidays, but you certainly aren’t lazy. You’ll spend days just pottering around the house doing odd jobs here and there, you may even find yourself decluttering Marie Kondo style. But, does it spark joy?

If you’re feeling inspired, you may feel like reading this blog – How to Declutter Your Classroom the Marie Kondo Way.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

School holidays are totally your vibe – spare time to spend money on all of the glamorous things! You, my friend, will make the absolute most of these school holidays! That fancy restaurant you’ve been dying to try out has already been booked and ALL of your friends know you have 2 weeks of spare time… to spend ALL of your savings.

This blog may be a little too practical for you – but there are still some fancy shoes in this list – Teacher Shoes | The Ultimate Guide for Comfort, Fun and Fashion.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You’re super organised, and during the school holiday break you find it a little hard to relax! You’ve already created a Pinterest board with a very practical title of  ‘Healthy Meals to Try’ and will give these all a go in between the decluttering of your cupboards!

No doubt you’ve got other options sorted… but if you haven’t, you might like to check out our blog – A Teacher’s School Holiday To-Do List.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You’re a little social butterfly! You hate being alone, so your two weeks are already mapped out with catch-ups with each and every one of your friends. Though, you are a little indecisive, so the location of such events is still up in the air!

You’re like the Bruno Mars of the teachers at your school…

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your motivation is next level, and if there was anyone for a to-do list the length of Rapunzel’s hair – it’s you! Heck, you’ll even add your daily washing to the list just so you can tick it off! But, nothing on your list includes anything where you may have to engage in small talk with casual acquaintances – that is not your idea of a good time.

These holidays, you’ll find yourself listening to the most mysterious true-crime podcast!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You guys are the BIG travellers, so this whole global pandemic has absolutely cramped your style. During these school holidays, your soul absolutely needs a change of scenery. So, you’ve decided on a safe option of camping with some friends, just a few hours from your home. You’re also known for your loud voice – which works a treat in the classroom, but make sure you find time to rest that voice of yours!

We thought you may be interested in this podcast too – Love Teaching? Love Your Voice.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You find it hard to stop thinking about work and focus on relaxing over the school holidays. So, these holidays you throw yourself into organising the ultimate board game night with your nearest and dearest. But, it could get a little messy with a group of VERY competitive friends.

Ultimately, though, you want to be crowned the best on the night…

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You’re a good cookie and a deep thinker, so using spare time to volunteer is definitely something on the cards these school holidays. The hunt for ‘that’ piece of vintage furniture is still on and you’re in luck these holidays. You may also find yourself delving into some self-development books. But, if those books remotely talk about examining your feelings – you may be inclined to put the book down and run far away…

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Well, spare time brings more time for you to daydream and fantasise about what could be – something you love to do. Anything near or close to the water is your happy place – so you decide to jump in the deep end and join a swimming squad.

You’ll most likely make plans, then cancel those plans and spend that time indulging in some old, classic movies.

We’d love to hear about what you’re actually spending your school holidays doing! Share in the comments section of this blog…

All GIFS used in blog via GIPHY

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