
26 Brain Break Ideas for the Classroom

We could all use a brain break now and then, and kids are no different! The good news: Gone are the days of making your students sit still for hours at a time. We now know, thanks to extensive research, that kids need to move and take brain breaks throughout the school day to improve…


Bop Tag: The Incredibly Inclusive Schoolyard Craze

When entering the school grounds during playtime, you may be surprised to see children of all ages running around like mad cats – some are bobbing down in one spot, some are tagging other kids, some are running, some are playing paper-scissors-rock… this, my teaching friend, is the organised chaos of Bop Tag! A take…


Recognising the health communication efforts of the early childhood sector

From the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, the early childhood sector was tasked with expanding their required health practices to include up-to-date, health information to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among staff, families and children. Despite considerable concern about their own health and safety, educators and providers responded quickly to this new challenge, drawing on their established health knowledge…