
What’s your favourite teaching moment to date? We put the call out and asked our teachers over on our Facebook page to:

Favourite Teaching Moments

…and their variety of answers did not disappoint! Read on to find out what our teaching colleagues across the globe found to be the most memorable highlights of their careers!

Memorable Teaching Moments

Sharing Life’s Ups and Downs

When my hubby proposed in my year 3 classroom.

My mum passed away earlier this week. 75 kids in the Year 4 cohort wrote me sympathy cards; very touching.

When the Students Teach You Right Back!

The whole of 2016. The best class and the most fun I’ve ever had teaching. They weren’t an easy class. I had my share of behaviour and special needs. But the combination worked, and every child made amazing progress. I just loved the whole year!

I have Stage 1 this year, for the first time ever. Way out of my comfort zone! Had a writing lesson, as we were going to recess….
Student: Missa Ackenzie, I been tinking… in my writing I tink I need to write “you are bootiful… and a little bit mean”. I’ll take that!

My best years of teaching were when I had an all-boys class two years in a row and learned about boys’ education. So good.

The Special Events

Accompanying my R-6 class on piano as they played a Christmas medley on tuned percussion for a school concert.

Taking my class from Pipalyatjara Anangu School to Canberra and NSW for a ski trip. Biggest excursion ever!

Being Playful and Engaging with Kids

The time I joined Hide and Seek at recess and hid behind a pole much thinner than I, and was not only the last one found but it took ages between me and the second to last person to be found.

The Unexpected Wins

One of my non-verbal ASD children was sitting at the table being cheeky. I looked at him and told him he was cheeky and he started laughing, said ‘cheeky’ then stroked my arm. I floated home.

This year. A student (low attendance) told me that she only comes to school because she’s in my spelling mastery class. My heart melted!

My favourite part is all the drawings and cards from my students.

The Hugs


Mine was on practicum. We were taught that we should never touch the students. I let that rule slide for this student. The main teacher was in the room and the girl was in desperate need of comfort. With one arm and her to my side, she got the comfort she needed, and a way to practice her math.
The look of relief and wonder on her little face is a very precious memory.

I had a non-verbal student with autism, with very little language start at the beginning of the year. He is now saying “Good Morning Mrs Carter” every morning and bowls me over daily with his hugs!

When You Know, You Know

It was about 20 years ago now, but a student of mine with additional needs, who at first barely spoke to me, one day just asked me “Are you going to be here tomorrow?” I knew then I meant something to him.

There are just so many. Love my job xx

When Students Come Back to Visit

A former year 5 student thanked me for teaching him, apologised for his behaviour, and let me know that he is doing well in high school.

I ran into a new mum whom I had taught in Year 1 twenty -five years ago. She told me that each morning she sings her baby daughter the “Good morning” song
that I used to sing with the class each day.

Still being friends with so many of the hundreds of kids that I’ve taught over the past 30 years.

Past student making the effort to visit your room or say “hi”.

We’d love to hear from you. What’s your most memorable teaching moment?

Comment below!

All GIFs via: GIPHY

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