
Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we’re right in the thick of report comment writing season. This means that teachers are working harder than ever to keep on top of their daily tasks AND get report comments written in time for their school deadlines too! To provide you with a little brain break (teacher style), here’s a little list of reporting season giggles from some of the finest teaching memes around.

1. Subtext Abounds

There are a few goodies floating around the interweb about what teachers would “really” like to write on some of their report cards. In the interests of keeping this PG rated, I’ve selected this fave from The Hands-On Teacher in First!

2. If Only It Were So Easy…

Julie Andrews has the answer to everything! Not so sure admin teams would be quite so joyful about this approach…

3. Feels

That daily grind (especially at report card writing time) can mask some of the more enjoyable feelings. Until we stop, take a breath, and remember to feel them too!

Source: Bored Teachers

4. Waaahhhh!!!!!

We write. We cry. We nap. We write. We giggle. We get distracted. We write. And eventually, we get… here.

Report Writing Memes

5. Hey Teacher

What’s a list of memes without this face in it! #thistooshallpass

Source: Unknown

6. Tick Tock

“…and just a quick reminder that report card comments are due tomorrow, and then edits due next Wednesday…”

Source: Actual Teaching

7. Extra Buzz

Is the coffee stronger at this time of year, or is it just me?

Source: Bored Teachers

8. Check!

When “To Do” lists seem just as long, but the tasks on them take so much longer to check off!

9. Sustainable Teaching

Even the best filers amongst us can still feel like this mentally!

Source: Unknown

10. Seasons Greetings

If there’s one thing that Term 4 report card writing can remind us of, it’s that the real festive season is just around the corner!

Source: Unknown

11. Stop and See

If there’s one thing we can really take away from this process, let it be the joy of recognising all that your students have achieved with you this year. Academically, socially and emotionally.

Source: Bored Teachers

Okay, if you’ve enjoyed this little break but need something to get you back on track, you might like to check out our report card comment resources! These should make finding the right words a little bit easier.

You can also check out our blog post “10 Helpful Tips for Writing Student Reports”.

You can do it!

The post Stop. Laugh. Report Card Writing Memes appeared first on Teach Starter.