
Teachers Are Using “Among Us” in Seriously Clever Ways in the Classroom

Sometimes you just need a little something extra to get kids’ attention and keep them motivated. Enter Among Us, the multi-player online game that’s dominating classroom conversations … and teacher planning. 

Are your students suddenly warning you that you’re “pretty sus”? Are they looking around to recruit crewmates? We asked teachers to share how they’re making Among Us work for them in the classroom, and we promise there are no imposters among these classroom activities!

Social and emotional learning with Among Us

Among Us paper crafts in school classroom

Rosalie Bouchard says she’s known as “the Among Us teacher” at the school where she teaches ESL, and it’s no wonder why. Bouchard incorporated these fun “crewmates” from Fun in Paperland into a recent social and emotional learning lesson. After designing their crafts in their favorite colors, Bouchard’s sixth-grade students assigned each papercraft characteristics, helping hone their social awareness skills as the kids thoughtfully made their characters come alive.  

Among Us lanyards

Among Us can also help your students flex those confidence muscles. We love this idea from teacher Rosalind Harris who created lanyards with Among Us characters and the words “Ask Me.” When she’s consolidating work, Harris puts out a call to her class, asking who’d like to volunteer to help their classmates with their work. Each student volunteer earns an Among Us lanyard. While Harris works with students who could use a little extra help, students with the lanyards jump in and work with their peers. Not only does this offer her a few extra sets of hands in the classroom, but the Among Us crewmates get a boost of empowerment. 

Classroom management with Among Us

Among us crewmate on classroom board

It’s not always easy to be on your best behavior in the classroom. This idea is great as an extra incentive for students to do their absolute best. Help your class create a very colorful crewmate with an Among Us twist on Secret Student. 

Teacher Krista Reid shared the instructions with us:

  1. Choose one student to be your secret crewmate at the beginning of the day.
  2. Keep an eye on their behavior.
  3. If they’ve been a good friend and good listener all day, the news is announced at the end of the day so classmates can celebrate, and a line of color is added to the outline of a crewmate.

If they didn’t have the best day, well, no one has to be the wiser — it just means there was an imposter in the class that day. No announcement, no colored line, and secret crewmate moves to another student the next day! 

For the remote students

Another option? Texas third grade teacher Liza Garza uses Among Us as a reward! When her students have completed all their assignments, the whole class gets to play — with their teacher, of course. Finding rewards for virtual students can be tough, but this is perfect for a hybrid classroom, Garza says. 

Assigning tasks

Classroom job board with the words crewmate tasks

Want to keep everyone in your classroom on task? Second grade teacher Emily makes it easy for her students to remember their classroom jobs: She’s assigned each child a crewmate on her board, and she’s paired the little icons with their tasks!

Among Us classroom decor

classroom door with there is greatness among us on it

Want to pump your students up for something? Teacher Richelle Roth of Arizona and her colleagues took to their classroom doors to let the students know there is greatness “Among Us,” and they are ready for state tests!


Felt board with the words there are scientists among us

Your nod to Among Us doesn’t always have to be quite so obvious. Science teacher Angela Calasso shared this clever felt board quote she has propped up to encourage her STEM classes! There are “scientists among us” in her classroom, but maybe in your room there are “readers among us” or mathematicians? The possibilities are almost as endless as the lengths the imposter will go to when they don’t want to be found out. Hop over to our free Studio to create your own sign for your classroom!

Love the logic and problem-solving elements of Among Us? Give our Mini Mysteries a try in the classroom!

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