
Easter Jokes for the End of Term!

You’ve finalised your term one assessment and reporting, your students are ready for a breather, and your chocolate cravings are peaking.

It’s almost Easter break! So, before the term is out, we thought you might enjoy these super fast, super sweet and super funny Easter jokes and memes. Treat yourself!

1. A Rooster Can’t Change His Spots

Really, this rooster is just reminding us to be proud of who we are!

colourful rooster says "i was an Easter egg" Easter Jokes

via Pinterest

2. The Aging Easter Experience

Is anyone else still finding Christmas-themed chocolates that they had forgotten about, or is that just me and this old gal?

Easter Jokes old woman in wheelchair says '

Source: maxine.com

3. Speaking of Hard-to-Find Eggs…

Maybe we should all be marking the location of our Easter egg hunt treasures on a map, just in case this happens!

Easter Jokes chicken hatches out of sofa while man says "honey, remember that Easter egg nobody could find?"

Source: offthemark.com

4. Painting Easter Eggs is Fun!

A timely reminder of what the Easter egg symbols actually represent…

Easter Jokes A rabbit tells a chick

Source: lizclimo.tumblr.com

5. I’m so Eggcited!

This one is pretty much begging to be used as a teaching resource related to the importance of enunciation.

Easter Jokes Fried-looking egg says

Source: Brainless Tales

6. Camo Egg

This one makes me think it might be fun to camouflage all of the eggs for a classroom Easter egg hunt!

Easter Jokes I swear it's like you guys want to be found - camoflage egg speaks to colourful easter eggs

via Pinterest

7. You Don’t Need That Kind of Negativity In Your Life

These bunny side eyes are pretty funny! What a funny bunny!

Easter Jokes Bunny eating leaves looks happy, bunny eating leaves looks angry - caption reads

via Pinterest

8. Funny Bunny Ears

Speaking of funny bunnies…

Easter Jokes Two rabbits posing for a photo - one is doing

Source: Rubes

9. The Truth Behind Egg Dying

Have you heard about World Theatre Day? These coloured eggs certainly have!

Easter jokes coloured eggs on a stage pretending to die beside a sign saying "egg dying contest"

via Pinterest

10. My Butt Hurts

It’s truly not a celebration of Easter funnies without this one!

Easter Jokes one chocolate bunny with his tail missing says "my butt hurts" to another chocolate bunny with its ears missing who replies "what?"

via Pinterest

There you go! Did any of these Easter jokes make you laugh!?
Hit the little love heart at the top of this post to let us know if they did!

The post Easter Jokes for the End of Term! appeared first on Teach Starter.

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