How’s your school morning routine? Are you totally nailing it? Or are your mornings as frantic as mine?

I’ll be honest, mornings have never been my strong point. What’s more, I often struggle to get out of the door on time. So, this has got me thinking about life hacks for a better school morning routine. Stay with me if it’s time for a change.

school morning routine for teachers morning person

Shutterstock image by The Faces

Life as a teacher is unique. Teacher mornings require a whole new level of forward-thinking and organisation, (even more so if you have young children of your own). So, let’s get into how to hack your school morning routine to help you have better days!

Listen to our podcast episode about being a teacher and a parent

Get Up Earlier

Getting up half an hour earlier can be the difference between establishing a good morning routine and a less-than-desirable one. In terms of morning life hacks, this is probably one of the easiest to do and offers the biggest return on investment.

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Shutterstock image by Paul Shuang

Of course, the prerequisite to getting up earlier is going to bed earlier (the two go hand in hand). So, why not make a commitment to get to bed a little earlier too?

The Evening Element of Your School Morning Routine

You can save yourself precious time in the morning by planning your teacher outfit the night before. If you’ve got kids – set their clothes out the night before as well!

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Shutterstock image by WAYHOME studio

Did you know that there are teachers out there who plan their teacher outfits for the week! Yikes, I am not sure I could do that, could you?

Many life hacks come down to simplifying. So, during the school holidays have a wardrobe stocktake. Sort your teacher clothes into categories: skirts, shirts, pants, tops, jackets or whatever suits you. Get rid of anything that you haven’t worn for a year.

Read Emma’s blog,  18 Teacher T-Shirts to Inspire You! | #teachertees to find out about the newest trend to hit classrooms.

Drink Water, Eat Protein, and Ditch Sugar on School Mornings

Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up is one of the best ways to start the day. Even better, start the day with warm water and lemon!  Vitamin C in warm lemon water helps increase metabolism and may boost immunity.

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Shutterstock image by All kind of people

Avoid sugary cereals and try a protein-based breaky instead. If you are time-poor, invest in a good quality protein powder and make a quick shake or try a green smoothie to go!

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Shutterstock image by Teri Virbickis

Top tip: Prepare smoothie bags in advance and freeze them. For a basic green smoothie recipe think frozen fruit, greens, milk/liquid, and seeds. For a super quick and easy green smoothie I love:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • a hand-full of baby spinach
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1/2 tablespoon of ground flax seeds

Fit Some Me Time into Your School Morning Routine

Taking a moment for yourself, however short, is a great way to reduce levels of stress in the morning. This simple life hack for teachers is sometimes easier said than done.  If you’re a busy teacher-mum, seek moments when your kids are occupied, step into a quiet space and take a few deep breaths.

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Shutterstock image by Albina Glisic

If you’re child-free at home, why not try to get into the habit of meditating each morning. Start with 5 minutes and build up to 10!

For more tips on developing your own mindfulness practice read our blog What Teachers Need to Learn Before Teaching Mindfulness.

Make a List During your School Morning Routine

Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed by the enormity of the day? A great way to stop your head from spinning is to write a list as part of your morning routine. Create a list of your top-3 priority jobs that need to be completed as soon as you get to school.

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Shutterstock image by Efetova Anna

As soon as you arrive at school, refer to your list and attack your top-3 priority jobs. Life hacks like these are not rocket science, but it’s easy to forget the power they can have in reducing anxiety. So if you are finding your teacher mornings stressful, commit to writing a list.

For the ultimate list-writing tools head to our Teacher Diary collection. You’ll find a huge range of day plans, monthly and weekly overviews, key date and birthday pages, contacts lists, assessment trackers, and note pages.

Set Your Intention for the Day Ahead

Setting an intention is a great way to kick start your morning. So, first thing in the morning, say out loud what it is that you want to achieve. Make this ritual part of your school morning routine.

One of my favourite morning intentions is to take the time to connect with every student in the classroom. Your intention could be to finish an admin task. Or, it could be a to give off positive vibes throughout the day and to be extra patient.

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Shutterstock image by Remo_Designer

Most importantly, remember that the best way to truly set an intention is to not forget it. So, repetition is your best friend! Throughout the school day say your intentions over and over to yourself and keep focused. Better still, share your intentions with your students.

So to sum it up, there are many little changes that you can make to make a big difference to your school morning routine. As a busy working mum, I am a self-confessed work in progress. So, let’s lift each other up and try out these life hacks for stress-free mornings!

school morning routine for teachers morning person

Shutterstock image by gornjak

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